
Pastors & Staff

Ron McManus

Transition Pastor

Dr. Ron McManus has served the kingdom of God in a variety of ways. He was a lead pastor for over sixteen years before serving as the first president of EQUIP, John Maxwell’s ministry to provide training for pastors internationally. He currently is the creator of Legacy Transition Group. Over the last 20 years he has served as an intern pastor for 13 churches, some for over 2 years in length. In the last three years he has help lead 20 transitions of pastors, handing the baton off to the next leader. Ron helped to develop and taught Acts 2 Journey—a church health and revitalization program that helps churches assess their strengths and prepare for the challenges and leaders of the future. He developed and taught Foundations of Leadership seminars in 48 states. You can learn more about his journey in consulting with transitioning churches and their leadership in his current book, The Transition Leader. Ron is currently serving as president of Legacy Transition Group.

Joe Hewes

Senior Associate Pastor

Pastor Joe grew up in Green’s Farms, Connecticut. He has a B.S. in Television Production from Emerson College in Boston. Joe has been married to Karen since 1988 and has two daughters, Shari and Katie. Joe worked for CBS News in New York from 1989 until 2006. In 2006 God called his family to Ecuador as Assembly of God Missionary Associates, working with Unsion Television and Latin America ChildCare. Pastor Joe joined the church staff as assistant pastor in 2009.

Pastor Joe enjoys the beach, cycling, listening to music, photography, and reading about colonial American history. He is an amateur radio operator, callsign WA2JOE.  Pastor Joe serves as chaplain to the Marlboro Township police department. Most of all Joe enjoys spending time with his beautiful bride, Karen Hewes.

Manny Encalada

Student Pastor

Pastor Manny grew up in Brooklyn, NY, and lived in Ecuador for about 4 years as a teenager to work in different fields of ministry. He met his wife Stephanie while they both served in ministry. They have 3 children: Rebekah, Sammy, and Luna. Before coming to Monmouth Worship Center, he worked as an Associate Pastor for Templo Calvario in North Jersey. He loves photography, music, basketball, reading, and learning about food.

Doreen Magee

 Children's Ministry Leader

Doreen grew up in Staten Island. She has been married to her husband Thomas since 1986 and has five children She homeschooled all her children through high school. Doreen has been serving in children’s ministries for over 34 years. She joined Monmouth Worship in 2002.  Her favorite hobbies are baking, working with animals, crafts, and camping.

Orlando Morataya

Latino Ministry Leader

Después de conocer a Jesús y tener un maravilloso encuentro de salvación que transformo mi vida radicalmente hace 33 años, hice la decisión que hasta hoy permanece en mí, mi esposa y nuestros dos hijos: “Mi casa y yo serviremos al Señor”

Después de asistir a Monmouth Worship Center por algunos años, di testimonio de ser un creyente comprometido y de obedecer la palabra de Dios.  Fui dirigido por el Espíritu Santo a tomar el puesto de líder en el ministerio Latino. Nací en El Salvador y pase mi juventud en los caminos del Señor antes de trasladarme a New Jersey. Mi esposa Magdalena y nuestros hijos, Jazón y Raymond, sirven ahora  conmigo en este ministerio.

Tengo la firme convicción que mi llamado es para difundir el mensaje de Dios y llegar a un gran número de almas con quien me encantaría compartir todas las bendiciones de Dios. Venga a visitarnos, o si prefiere puede comunicarse con nosotros vía email a mmorataya33@gmail.com. Sera una bendición escuchar de usted.